
Highlife Outdoor Ministry

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It"s Coming

By Jeff Roman

Wow can you hardly stand it? 2018 is about to exit and here comes 2019. 2019 has quite a ring to it. What’s even scarier is 2020. I believe there are movies made about 2020 or deadlines about 2020. Things that we were told way back about the future and 2020. And here we are at 2019.

As outdoorsman we are looking forward to this next year. We’re looking forward to that next fishing trip or hunting opportunity that is on our horizon. We have unwrapped those Christmas gifts that brought us new trinkets and toys involving our hobbies and the love of our outdoors. Now we can’t wait to use them in the coming year. We have started planning. We have been making out tournament schedules. Figuring out which tournaments we want to fish and be a part of. We’ve been looking up guides for that hunting expedition next fall. We’ve been looking at our work schedules to see when we will be able to get away to enjoy the great outdoors. All of this is wonderful. It gives us hope. But is it the proper hope we should be looking for?

1 Chronicles 16:11-12. “ look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced,...”     We have to remember that God is always with us. That there is no hope better than His hope. The hope of His salvation.

Deuteronomy 23:5 “ A blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.”

Remember this because He loves you He gives you hope. So what should we be doing in 2019? We need to be learning His word and understanding the hope He has for us. The hope of His salvation. Just as we exit 2018 and enter 2019 we need to be thinking about our future. Where does our future lie? It lies in His hope.

2 Corinthian’s 5:17 “ therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here."

So as we are preparing for 2019 let us remember that. Let’s put the past down and away and work on the future. Our hope and salvation is with the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. He didn’t put us here to be all about ourselves but here so that we could find Him. So are we going to work towards this in 2019? What’s more important, a fishing trip in the spring or eternal life with Him?

Proverbs 13:16 “  A wise man thinks ahead; A fool doesn’t, and even brags about it." Don’t be that fool! Start preparing for 2019. Don’t miss out on the hope of His salvation.  Eternal life with Him in heaven!! 

Happy New Years!!

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